
List of my pet pro­jects

Shopper perma­link

An app to track your spend­ing and con­vert bank pdf re­ports ef­fort­lessly Shopper


  • Free Bank Report Converter
  • Journal Your daily Spending

Indonesian’s Bank PDF Statement Parser perma­link

The pack­age is de­signed to parse Indonesian bank PDF state­ments, ex­tract­ing rel­e­vant in­for­ma­tion such as trans­ac­tion de­tails, dates, amounts, and trans­ac­tion types. It aims to sim­plify the process of ex­tract­ing data from PDF state­ments is­sued by var­i­ous banks in Indonesia.


Autograde (WIP) perma­link

An auto grad­ing sys­tem for stu­dent code. I made it for my fac­ulty, be­cause they haven’t im­ple­ment one. Still in de­vel­op­ment, Autograde

Keep Ninja (Shutdown) perma­link

A re­minder to read your get­pocket list Keep Ninja Built us­ing Golang, TailwindCSS

Covidbot perma­link

A bot to re­port cases in Bandung area fah­mi­fan/​covid­bot: Covid Update Bot Bandung

LRU Cache perma­link

A caching li­brary us­ing LRU LRU Cache. I learn about a prac­ti­cal use of dou­bly linked list & queue data struc­ture.

REST API Starter Kit in Go perma­link

A starter kit for REST API. Included in the kit: sqlc, post­gres, Oauth2, sim­ple RBAC and swag­ger docs Smol REST

Flycasbin perma­link

An ACL warp­per for cas­bin, it add type for Role, Resource, & Action, de­fine poli­cies in code. Also able to store & load poli­cies from DB Flycasbin.

Homed perma­link

A home me­dia ser­vice like Plex, writ­ten for mo­bile com­put­ing course as­sign­ment. I learn about video transcod­ing us­ing FFMPEG and video stream­ing us­ing HLS here Homemed. In the as­sign­ment, this app is de­ployed on a Raspi server. To com­pen­sate with the low spec Raspi, the transcod­ing did­n’t do any com­pres­sion and ren­di­tion, so it transcode fast.

Rebalance perma­link

A load bal­ance & re­verse proxy writ­ten in Go Rebalance