Information Overflow
Like eating, consuming informations should have a portion. We have limited appetiet, too much eating results into sick stomach, stress. Fear of Missing Out or FOMO, is a kind of anxity that comes from “too much information”.
Internet might be the source of this. Why ? Open internet, bring massive, free, and accessible information into socity. Social media, a decendant of internet known as “rich” in information, such as Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube. Game, richer than those socmeds combine audio, visual, story telling and interactivity.
So, what is the root that cause this “Information Overflow” ?
Is it our behaviour that keep staring at our screen ? Is it the context switching? Socmed has many different context between it tweets. Is it creates low quality in absorbing information ? Is it creating the FOMO ? Do we actually have this “quality” ?
My hunch is yes. Actullay, i barely remember the tweets that i have read. When i found an interesting articel/tweet i save it into “getpocket” app. But, its unlikely that i’ll visit them in getpocket. This might be the result of FOMO.
In Software Engineering, there is a phrase You Aren’t Gonna Need It or Yagni. It means, you rarely need something that beyond scope. Now, how to identify if something categorized as Yagni ? If it less or insignificant, leave it, put it into Yagni. I think, information around internet is the same, the level of significant will weigh them to falls into Yagni or not.
But, how to make the information a Yagni or not for us, if we have not read or saw it ? I don’t know yet. May be, we can hide them behind a software. It is like someone hand picked information for us in digestable size.