What is LRU Cache And How It Works ?

— 13 minute read

What is LRU cache

A cache is a way to store data that ac­cessed fre­quently and needs to be fast. We can use cache to store a re­sult from com­pu­ta­tion or re­sult of SQL query. A cache is usu­ally stored in mem­ory with a key-value style to make sure it fast to store item and ac­cess.

One of the cache al­go­rithms is LRU or Least Recently Used. LRU will limit the mem­ory us­age by gives max­i­mum items that can be stored. When there is a new item to be store and it al­ready reached the limit, it dis­cards the least used item.

How to make LRU Cache in GO


Check the full code in this repo

There are two main com­po­nents in LRU cache, those are Queue and Hash Map. The Queue is used to store the items that im­ple­mented in a linked list, while the Hash Map is used to make the com­plex­ity O(1) when ac­cessed.

Queue & Hash Map

Creating Queue perma­link


The queue I im­ple­mented is based on my opin­ion, it may not be the right” one :)

We need to cre­ate a struct for the cache item, a linked list node, and the queue.

type Queue struct {
head *Node
tail *Node

type Node struct {
item Item
next *Node
prev *Node

type Item struct {
Key string
// Value is used to store an item
Value interface{}

We will cre­ate three meth­ods for the queue InsertFirst, RemoveLast, and RemoveNode.

The struc­ture of the Node. It has three parts, prev, value, and next. The prev and next are point­ers to an ad­ja­cent node. The value is an interface{} that can hold any data type. a node

These are al­go­rithm and code for InsertFirst insert first algorithm

// insert a node into the first of the queue
func (q *Queue) InsertFirst(newHead *Node) {
if q.isEmpty() {
q.head = newHead
q.tail = newHead

oldHead := q.head
newHead.next = oldHead
oldHead.prev = newHead
q.head = newHead

These are al­go­rithm and code for RemoveLast remove last

// remove a node from the last queue
func (q *Queue) RemoveLast() *Node {
if q.isEmpty() {
return nil

if q.isOne() {
last := q.tail
q.tail = nil
q.head = nil
return last

oldLast := q.tail
newLast := q.tail.prev
q.tail = newLast
return oldLast

These are al­go­rithm and code for RemoveNode remove node 0 remove node 2

// remove a node from any position in the queue
func (q *Queue) RemoveNode(node *Node) {
if q.isEmpty() {

if q.isOne() {

// node is first in the queue with following N-nodes
if node == q.head {
// new head is the next in the queue
q.head = node.next

// node is the last in the queue with previos N-nodes
if node == q.tail {
// new tail is the one before the node
q.tail = node.prev

// node is in the middle of the queue
after := node.next
before := node.prev
// link the before & after
before.next = after
after.prev = before

The code for MoveToFirst

func (q *Queue) MoveToFirst(node *Node) {
// no need to move, there is one or none in the queue
if q.isEmpty() || q.isOne() {

if q.head == node {

if q.tail == node {
beforeTail := node.prev
q.tail = beforeTail
beforeTail.next = nil

node.next = q.head
q.head = node

nodeBefore := node.prev
nodeAfter := node.next
nodeBefore.next = nodeAfter
nodeAfter.prev = nodeBefore
node.next = q.head
q.head = node

Helper meth­ods for the Queue

func (q *Queue) isEmpty() bool {
return q.head == nil && q.tail == nil

func (q *Queue) isOne() bool {
return q.head != nil && q.head.next == nil

The breakLinks method is im­ple­mented as fol­lows

// set next & prev to nil
func (n *Node) breakLinks() {
if n == nil {

n.next = nil
n.prev = nil

Creating LRUCacher perma­link

// LRUCacher not concurrent safe
type LRUCacher struct {
queue *Queue
hash map[string]*Node
MaxSize int
count int

Codes for Put

// Put set new or replace existing item
func (l *LRUCacher) Put(key string, value interface{}) {
if l.MaxSize < 1 {
l.MaxSize = DefaultMaxSize

if l.queue == nil {
l.queue = NewQueue()

if l.hash == nil {
l.hash = make(map[string]*Node)

item := Item{
Key: key,
Value: value,

// if key already exist just replace the cache item
oldNode, ok := l.hash[key]
if ok {
oldNode.item = item

node := &Node{item: item}
if l.queueIsFull() {
last := l.queue.RemoveLast()

l.hash[key] = node

l.hash[key] = node

The re­cently called item, will be move to the first of the queue

func (l *LRUCacher) Get(key string) interface{} {
if l.hash == nil {
return nil

val, ok := l.hash[key]
if !ok {
return nil


return val.item.Value

Codes for Del

func (l *LRUCacher) Del(key string) interface{} {
node, ok := l.hash[key]
if !ok {
return nil

return node.item.Value

Notes on Implement Synchronization for Concurrency

The pre­vi­ous codes work for non-con­cur­rent us­age be­cause when ac­cess­ing & writ­ing to the hash map or queue, there are needs for lock and syn­chro­niza­tion. Also keep in mind, that adding syn­chro­niza­tion will im­pact the per­for­mance.

We can use a mutex for syn­chro­niza­tion. In Go, there are two types of mu­tex, Mutex and RWMutex. The Mutex is gen­eral pur­pose for lock­ing only one gor­ou­tine that has ac­cess to a re­source. The RWMutex has two lock­ing mech­a­nisms. The first is RLock that can be­hold by mul­ti­ple goru­ti­nes and is used for read­ing. The Second is a Lock that can only be­hold by one gor­ou­tine and is used for writ­ing.

I use two mu­texes for LRUCacher, hashMutex for ac­cess & mu­tat­ing hash, and countMutex when mu­tat­ing the count. Also, to help to de­tects race con­di­tion, I use -race flag when run­ning the go test

go test -race ./...

The rest of the code can be checked in this repo lru­cache

type LRUCacher struct {
maxSize int64

queue *Queue
count int64
countMutex sync.RWMutex

hash map[string]*Node
hashMutex sync.RWMutex

The bench­mark

go test -benchmem -run=^$ -bench ^(BenchmarkLRUCacher)$ github.com/fahmifan/lrucache

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/fahmifan/lrucache
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz
BenchmarkLRUCacher/Put-4         	 2813918	       422.4 ns/op	      89 B/op	       4 allocs/op
BenchmarkLRUCacher/Get-4         	 9076047	       131.4 ns/op	      16 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkLRUCacher/Del-4         	11179544	       107.6 ns/op	      12 B/op	       1 allocs/op
ok  	github.com/fahmifan/lrucache	4.228s

That’s the LRU Cache and how you can im­ple­ment it in Go :)