Tokopedia Devcamp: Online Test

— 1 minute read

So, to­day i just did my on­line test for Tokopedia Devcamp 2018. This is my sec­ond time do on­line test, and it not that bad. Before, i was al­ways feel­ing that i wolud­n’t sur­vive on al­go­rith­mic test type. The rea­son for this is be­cause when i take al­go­rithm class in my first year, i did not that good. Sometimes i get over­whelmed to solve a pyra­mid stars.

At least I’ve been try­ing hard”

That was my mo­ti­va­tion to pre­pared for this on­line test and keep try­ing to solve ex­cer­cises. Just try it and feel the strug­gle, but when you solve it you will get that eu­reka mo­ment. Even if i can’t solve it, at least i’ve been try­ing hard. I hope this test get a good re­sult, and i can go for in­ter­view.

If you want to try or learn al­go­rithm/​com­pet­i­tive pro­gram­ming try these

I used codil­ity to ex­cer­cise since the on­line test use codil­ity.

Thank you :D