Trying mo­bile app de­vel­op­ment

— 2 minute read

At school we were told to make a mo­bile app for an­droid. The teacher said we can use Java, be­cause this is for the lec­ture of OO Programming 2, the OO Programming 1 was about ba­sic Java SE. For this lec­ture we will de­velop mo­bile app alone not in a team. I pro­posed to my teacher if i can used React Native for de­vel­op­ing later and he said yes. So, i run into React Native page and set up for lo­cal dev. After a while the API and struc­ture was a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent to ReactJs. I strug­gled when try­ing to con­nect my phone to my lap­top us­ing expo app. It failed sev­eral times, but i can fig­ured it out af­ter dig­ging into stack over­flow & github is­sues. The hot re­load some­times failed, i haven’t found the an­swer for this one, af­ter all it was quit fun. Maybe i’ll fol­low for more tu­to­r­ial about de­vel­op­ing mo­bile app in React Native. After some reasearch i get a sug­ges­tion in youtube about Flutter. It’s a frame­work for buld­ing an­droid & ios app us­ing Dart lan­guage. It was in­spired by re­act they said and af­ter tried it build­ing sim­ple app fol­low­ing their guids, it was re­ally en­joy­able de­velop in Flutter.