Trying mobile app development
At school we were told to make a mobile app for android. The teacher said we can use Java, because this is for the lecture of OO Programming 2, the OO Programming 1 was about basic Java SE. For this lecture we will develop mobile app alone not in a team. I proposed to my teacher if i can used React Native for developing later and he said yes. So, i run into React Native page and set up for local dev. After a while the API and structure was a little bit different to ReactJs. I struggled when trying to connect my phone to my laptop using expo app. It failed several times, but i can figured it out after digging into stack overflow & github issues. The hot reload sometimes failed, i haven’t found the answer for this one, after all it was quit fun. Maybe i’ll follow for more tutorial about developing mobile app in React Native. After some reasearch i get a suggestion in youtube about Flutter. It’s a framework for bulding android & ios app using Dart language. It was inspired by react they said and after tried it building simple app following their guids, it was really enjoyable develop in Flutter.