January 17

— 1 minute read

  • TIL about API Economy, de­vel­oper used to know them as Devtools or SaaS
    • They are just an API, then why is it im­por­tant ?
    • So, I read about this from The Light and Dark Side of the API Economy
    • if we can’t stay above the API, we will be be­low the API
      • Above the API: uti­lize the power of API to make make econ­omy
      • Below the API: our job could be re­placed by the API, less power
    • API im­prove dev speed in early days, use Stripe for pay­ment, Sendgrid to sent email, Twillio to sent mes­sages, Cloudinary for im­age up­load & ma­nip­u­la­tion
      • Built from grounds means time to de­velop, main­te­nance cost, and no SLA guar­an­tee
    • But, at big a scale, need a pric­ing ad­just­ment, in house built also an op­tion
    • GUI Economy: API + No-Code
      • No-Code re­duce tech­ni­cal knowl­edge to de­velop a prod­uct
      • Some SaaS com­bine No-Code with some cus­tomiza­tion of APIs
        • e.g. Retool, Mailgun email tem­plate