January 17
- TIL about API Economy, developer used to know them as Devtools or SaaS
- They are just an API, then why is it important ?
- So, I read about this from The Light and Dark Side of the API Economy
- “if we can’t stay above the API, we will be below the API”
- Above the API: utilize the power of API to make make economy
- Below the API: our job could be replaced by the API, less power
- API improve dev speed in early days, use Stripe for payment, Sendgrid to sent email, Twillio to sent messages, Cloudinary for image upload & manipulation
- Built from grounds means time to develop, maintenance cost, and no SLA guarantee
- But, at big a scale, need a pricing adjustment, in house built also an option
- GUI Economy: API + No-Code
- No-Code reduce technical knowledge to develop a product
- Some SaaS combine No-Code with some customization of APIs
- e.g. Retool, Mailgun email template